On-site Critiques

9 a.m.–2 p.m. Friday. $30 fee.
Preregistration required.

Both beginning and experienced advisers and staffs can benefit from the on-site critique. Staff members and advisers will sit down with an experienced adviser or professional journalist and go over the school’s most recent publications or broadcasts. This one-on-one opportunity allows staffs to ask questions and get clarifications as needed. Each critique will last 30 minutes.

NEW THIS YEAR! You do not need to mail your publication to a judge before the start of the convention. Bring your publication/URL with you to your appointed critique time. Sign up during convention registration. NSPA will assign your publication a time and judge before the start of the convention and send a confirmation email.

Schools scheduled for critiques should bring up to three different issues of newspapers/magazines, or the most recent literary magazine or yearbook. Some staffs also choose to bring mock-ups of the current yearbook. For broadcast critiques, consider a thumb drive, DVD or upload to YouTube. For online critiques, exchange a URL.

Questions? critiques@studentpress.org